
The Eastern Carolina Aviation Heritage Foundation (ECAHF) awarded grant by NC Space Grant Mini-Grant Program

ECAHF – NC Space Grant: The Eastern Carolina Aviation Heritage Foundation (ECAHF) was awarded a mini-grant in the amount of $3,000 by NC Space Grant Mini-Grant Program.  This award was based on the proposal “Young Engineering Education Challenges” submitted by the Foundation’s Educational Outreach Representative Mary Beth Fennell. Read the rest of the story HERE.

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Friday “Twofer”: Don’t boastest your firstest with the mostest because along will coastest the town’s bigger toastest…AND…don’t forget the first woman in space

Good Friday morning fellow ECAHF’ers.  It’s easy to forget how many “firsts” the Soviet Space Program had.  They “beat the pants” (and the skirts) off of us until all their firsts were pretty much forever buried by America’s first steps on the moon by Neil Armstrong, who coasted along to become the “toast of the

Friday “Twofer”: Don’t boastest your firstest with the mostest because along will coastest the town’s bigger toastest…AND…don’t forget the first woman in space Read More »

Tomorrow in Aviation History: the birth of a WWII Fighter Ace

Good morning fellow ECAHF’ers. “Time,” it is said, “cures all ills.” Time, also, unless we take care to ensure it doesn’t, erases history. New history is created over time, burying the older history. Generations come and go and the experiences—the history—that meant so much to past generations, means increasingly less to succeeding generations. Why? One

Tomorrow in Aviation History: the birth of a WWII Fighter Ace Read More »

Memphis Belle

Good Saturday morning fellow ECAHF’ers.  Completing twenty-five combat missions.  Most of us wouldn’t bet on those odds.  But we might bet on the odds at the casinos.  According to, “The average payout percentage for slot machines in Las Vegas is around 85 cents per dollar earned.” Flying B-17’s in combat over Europe in the

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Today in aviation history: U.S. Olympian Louis Zamperini’s plane goes down in the Pacific

Good Saturday morning fellow ECAHF’ers.  I hope you had a memorable Memorial Day holiday.  I’m taking a moment to express gratitude that I still, physically, walk this earth.  So many of our fellow warriors do not.  Amongst those who gave their lives in ultimate service to America, I’m remembering my son-in-law’s fellow soldiers and friends

Today in aviation history: U.S. Olympian Louis Zamperini’s plane goes down in the Pacific Read More »

Sponsor Letter

2021 Gala Sponsorship Form The Eastern Carolina Aviation Heritage Foundation is still functioning, working to preserve and highlight our eastern Carolina aviation heritage, and promote aviation-oriented Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education in our region, even through this pandemic. Below is an update on our efforts: The Board of Directors decided to cancel the

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