
Commercial Space Flight and the Connection Between the X-15, the Rutan Voyager and the SS1

Good morning fellow ECAHF’ers.  Twenty years.  That’s a long time.  While a few of us may live longer, 20 years is a fourth or less of most of our lives.  And how far we’ve come in that time.  Twenty years is indeed a long time, but then again, it’s not that long.  The past 20 […]

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From Dreams to Reality. This Day in Aviation History: Flying Cars

Good morning fellow ECAHF’ers and happy Hump Day and May Day! Many of us remember when flying cars were predicted to be a future “certainty”.  Same with Dick Tracy’s wrist radios and futuristic video telephones where you could actually see the person to whom you were speaking. HAHAHAHAHA!  What were we thinking? Oh.  Wait a

From Dreams to Reality. This Day in Aviation History: Flying Cars Read More »

Amelia Earhart: Hawaii to California

On January 11th in 1935, according to History.com, “In the first flight of its kind, American aviatrix Amelia Earhart departed Wheeler Field in Honolulu, Hawaii, on a solo flight to North America. Hawaiian commercial interests offered a $10,000 award to whoever accomplished the flight first. The next day, after traveling 2,400 miles in 18 hours,

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