5 June, 1944 D-Day Minus One

June 5, 2023

Good Monday afternoon fellow ECAHF’ers.  Will we ever see it again, almost 1500 aircraft stretching for over 300 miles delivering troops to battle?  It must have been a sight to behold…or at least to hear since it occurred on the evening of D-Day minus 1.  Can you imagine the exhilaration those under the boot of […]

Today in aviation history: U.S. Olympian Louis Zamperini’s plane goes down in the Pacific

May 27, 2023

Good Saturday morning fellow ECAHF’ers.  I hope you had a memorable Memorial Day holiday.  I’m taking a moment to express gratitude that I still, physically, walk this earth.  So many of our fellow warriors do not.  Amongst those who gave their lives in ultimate service to America, I’m remembering my son-in-law’s fellow soldiers and friends […]